Sunday, January 19, 2014

Apple iWatch functions could include health related ones in accordance to hints by Apple

Apple iWatch:

Moves by Apple hint at health related functions for the Apple iWatch. The word about is that Apple is seeking to incorporate a few health related features on the upcoming Apple iWatch. An addition of two medical wearable specialists to the Apple family has thrown hints that Apple intends to add health related functions to the Apple iWatch. To join the iWatch team is Nancy Dougherty, who was previously employed by Sano Intelligence and Ravi Narasimhan, who was VP of R&D for Vital Connects. Dougherty will soon be a part of hardware engineering team for iWatch. She even developed a patch of micro-needles, used in  finding potassium levels and glucose.

If Dougherty’s development is incorporated in the upcoming Apple iWatch, then it would signify that diabetics could have the chance to painlessly test their blood sugar . The incorporation would be a major advancement for Apple, however, owing to the fact that such a feature would have to undergo tests and approval from the FDA, it is seemingly a long shot to include the feature in the initial version of the watch.
Another addition to the Apple family is Ravi Narasimhan, the former Vice President of R&D for Vital Connects. R&D for Vital Connects came up with a health monitor which is disposable to be used in three days time in order to help monitor a person’s temperature, movement and ECG. After making use of the monitor for three days, you simply throw out the monitor.

Picture the capabilities Apple can use with such technology for their iWatch. Verizon could sell the disposable monitor this year by making use of Big Red’s mHealth brand.

Although the much anticipated Apple iWatch was speculated to be released in 2013, it wasn’t. Rumor has it that Apple may have run into problems in the manufacture of the gadget, with expectations to see it launched in the second half of the year 2014.
iWatch Back

An incorporation of health related features could mean that we get to see the same in the Apple iPad, Apple iphone and the Apple iWatch.

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